With 4th of July right around the corner, here are some simple and fun treats to make at the campsite!
Strawberry, Banana and Blueberry Kabobs
Simple, healthy, and delicious! Perfect for kids and adults. Place banana’s, blueberries, and strawberries on a kabob stick. Red, White and Blue has never been easier!
Patriotic Fruit and Pretzel Tray
Create an American flag from some healthy snacks! Start with a row of strawberries across a rectangular plate. Then a row of white fudge covered pretzels. Continue this rotation to the top (leaving an open spot in the top left corner). In the top left corner, add a plate of blueberries. And now you have the American Flag in food format!
Red, White and Blue Apples
This is one the kids are sure to love! Press sticks into a whole red apple. Melt some white chocolate, and dip in the apples. Then dip the white chocolate portion of the apple into some blue sprinkles!